
Applications and Features of Socket io

In this post, we going to see what are the main features of the Socket io and see why it is the most powerful client-side library for Real-time applications. Socket io gaining popularity very quickly nowadays. Since I mentioned in my previous post that it implements the concept of bi-directional event driven based environment for communications between client and server. It consists of two of its main library:  A Node js server library.  A Node js client library for the client(browser). Actually, Socket io replaces the concept of AJAX long-polling that is used for fetching server-sent data for an application though it was very slow and not ideal process. Socket io is an event-based bi-directional communication layer for a real-time web application built at the top of Main Features are: Reliable : For socket io client and server side library,connection reliablility is important. Connection are es...

What is Socket IO ? -Introduction

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